The course of setting up an iedge card is mentioned.
A simplified guide to set up iedge card is mentioned. Plainly said, the requirement of the following is mandatory. They are: an iedge card, personal computer, internet, usb reader and a micro sd card.
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It is beloved to use Windows Pc. Upon insertion of the iedge card in slot -1 of the Dsi, an iedge logo / icon should be visible. Formatting of the micro sd card is required. During formatting or on completion of the formatting, it is advisable not to take off the microSd or the micro Sd card.
The bootstrap of the modernize application of Edge Boot Update_v1_win zip.
It is time to get the Sudoku ready. The detailed information concerning the sane is ready and hence advisable to refer to iEdge Bootstrap v1 Updater (Windows) Readme text file supplied by It is advised to keep the Sudoku on your desktop.
The application should be in a process to recognize the micro Sd memory card. Hence running of the EdgebootUpdate-v1.exe bootstrap modernize file is essential.
You should be in a position to find the Sudoku by pressing the button in the middle of the Rom bar and the modernize button.
Click on the modernize button so ensure that it starts flashing.
When flashing is done, a new window opens up. This is the folder of the micro Sd memory card.
It is time to plug in with your Dsi with its power charger. Flashing should not be interrupted. Then you should ensure to plug in the iedge card in the slot 1 of the Dsi card.
Keep your focus on the iedge card in Slot 1. The color of the Led light inside the iedge card should be orange in color.
The Led Light should flash on and off if the bootstrap flashing functions correctly.
A constantly on Led light signifies improper function.
The flashing of the iedge card is the most difficult part in the entire process. The microSd needs to be copied with the updates.
How to Set Up Iedge Card For a Dsicamera usb cable micro b 5-pin
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