Currently, there are very few projectors on the shop that cater for iPads. With the emergence of the Keynote application and mobile video; projecting from the small 9.7" iPad screen onto 100" high res image that is visible on approximately any outside has never been more important. Presentations, movies and a whole lot more can be viewed in greater information and with a more immersive experience. If you are using the iPad with friends to watch a movie, or if you're presenting to a large audience, this impressive pocket-sized projector will leave them dumbfounded. If you're reading this but don't have an iPad, don't rush off - this kit is compatible with whatever that has Tv/Video-Out quality i.e. Ipads, iPhones, iPods, Laptops, Desktops and a whole lot more along with Psps.
The cheapest choice of the two, at colse to 0 is the MiLi Power Projector:
Resolution: Vga (640 x 480)
Brightness: 10 Lumens
Aspect Ratio: 4:3
Battery life: Up to 1.5 hours
Dimensions: 148(L)X70(W)X41(H)mm
The more slightly more expensive but it has to be said, more impressive projector is the Showwx. It's the foremost technology in the iPad shop and is causing a storm and truly for the right reasons:
Resolution: Wvga (848 x 480)
Brightness: 10 Lumens
Aspect Ratio: 16:9 Widescreen
Battery life: 1.5 to 2 hours
Dimensions: 118(L)X60(W)X14(H)mm
The iPhone-sized Showwx truly is exquisite for portability and use with mobile devices; compare that to the MiLi which would be more suitable in a rucksack than in a pocket. The contrast largely is in quality, with a higher resolution, longer battery life and a small size, the Showwx is ahead on all fronts. The only ask is if you are willing to pay the relatively small added price tag.